Rocky link
Registration opens on 1/27/25. You will be able to register on SportsEngine and pay your fee online. The Athletic Office is open from 8:15 am to 4:15pm.
PLEASE REMEMBER in order to obtain your orange card, you must be registered on SportsEngine, have your fee paid and have a current physical. REGISTRATION for SportsEngine MUST BE COMPLETED ONLINE…NO PAPER COPIES ARE ACCEPTED. Once all three steps are completed please come to the athletic office with proof of payment and physical. Also know that grades will be verified to ensure student/athlete is eligible with at least 25 credits and passing all classes required by CHSAA to participate.
Here is a link to all of our coaches if you have any questions about the upcoming athletic season. This can also be found on under quick links and the coaches tab.
Schedules can be found on the rocky athletics page under the “Upcoming Events” on the right side of the page or at Schedules change frequently so please check the site(s) to ensure game times and locations.
Please note that Girls Lacrosse is housed here at Rocky, Boys Lacrosse is at Timnath and Boys Volleyball is at Poudre.
Lobo Track and Field Fall Info, Fundraising, and Schedule for 2025 season 10/5/24
Hello all,
As we move into the true fall season, I hope the first weeks of school have gone well for everyone. I have been working behind the scenes on several items for the upcoming season. We will be in the first year of a brandnew Conference, I have been working on shoring up the staff and what the season will look like from the coaching side and have started to put together the calendar of events and meet schedule. I am very excited for the challenges to come and for the excitement every new season brings.
Fundraising: • Peaches – This fundraiser is hands down my favorite! I know it comes with complications only mother nature and broken trailers could provide but we sold every box the orchard could provide. A huge shout out to the Sommer’s family for their continued support of our program, to the athletes and parents who continually make this fundraiser so successful, and to my husband who woke up at 4:30am several Thursdays to help lug boxes up from Berthoud. I could not make this happen without you all. The amount raised for the Track and Field program was just over $4,000.00!!!!! • Football Concession stand for the November 1st game. The date changed from my original email as the details were finalized. If you already volunteered, please send a quick confirmation that the new date will work. I will need 18 people or more to volunteer for this. Nine of the workers must be adults but the rest can be athletes. If you can help with the Concessions it will count for the full donation for your athletes 2025 requirement. Please email, message or call me if you are interested and can help with this fundraiser. I will send out more information as we get closer to the event.
Off-Season training: • We will continue off season training and the dates and start times for October, November and December will be working out as a team on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s (These dates will be put into TeamSnap). We will meet up at 4:30pm either on the track or if the weather is bad in the hallway outside the weightroom. These are voluntary practices but if you are not involved in a Fall or Winter sport will help get you ready for the upcoming season. I am happy to answer any questions about the process just call or email me. We may add in event specific training as well. As soon as I have any details from coaches I will post on TeamSnap
. In-Season Information: • The two-week camp will begin on February 10th and will go through February 21st. We will not have practice on Monday February 17th as there is no school. Camp will be everyday after school starting at 4:30. We will plan on practice being over at 6:30pm. • The first official day of Track Season will be Monday February 24th. All athletes will need their orange cards to participate. Please be sure to schedule any physicals as soon as possible. • Saturday March 1st from 9-11am on French Field is the date for the intersquad scrimmage and parent meeting with pancake breakfast. Please save the date and plan on attending. • The first Varsity Meet will be on Friday March 7th . • We will not have a conflict with State Meet and Graduation this year so that is really good news for our seniors and their families!
I am always happy to answer any questions! I will do my best to return communication within 24 hours. Thank you!
Jamie Mackenzie
Head Track and Field Coach